Hi, I’m Conner.
Allow me to introduce myself.

Coffee over tea, bitter over sweet, albums over instagram, intent over content, whiskey over gin, and love over all.

I'm a photographer, eager ceramist, wannabe art curator, Horticulturist of Araceae, caregiver, dog dad, and I want to be your person.

You will find me in the summers running from place to place photographing people in love, growing a garden too large for one person, and playing with my dogs Henry and Lizzy.

Every fall I will be back on the wheel throwing clay, in hopes of some day creating a large enough set of plates and trays to throw a large dinner party.  As winter sets in, I will most likely be traveling somewhere, in hopes of scratching the itch for new experiences in places I have never been.

When spring arrives, I’ll be planning out weeks of time spent documenting life, you will see me readying the greenhouse, and I'll probably have some new obsession with a restaurant that serves something out of the ordinary. 

It's such a wonderful thing to love.

To love people deeply, and feel deeply about everything, is a hard thing to explain.

But I try to express it in photos. I follow people with the intention of being a tourist in their life. To quote Susan Sontag, “The camera makes everyone a tourist in other people's reality, and eventually in one's own.” I want to capture the moments you will miss, I want to photograph you with your loved ones, I want to document the way a time in your life felt. My goal is to deliver memories to you in a visceral form. That's why I chase light, I chase people, I chase all these fleeting moments we may never see again. One of my favorite phrases I have ever heard is “Somewhere between sorrow and bliss.” That's what I see in photographs, the memories intermingled and muddied between the highest highs, and some of the hardest moments draped in grief. I want to give you something to remember. I want to document it all for you.

When I say I want to be your person, I mean it. I want to be with you on every part of your journey, whether that's by your side on your wedding day, watching your life unfold with your loved ones; how your boo looks at you, the experience of love, the adrenaline of it all, or the tequila shot we are going to take at the bar. Its all part of this messy life and I want to be there for it. I want to be a tourist in your reality.